Woodborough’s Heritage
Woodborough, a Sherwood Forest Village, recorded in Domesday
Woodborough Inclosure 1795 (Full version)
Transcribed in full, except for punctuation, using the same style as the original document which had many inconsistencies.
Original document page numbers shown in red
TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME WE JONAS BETTISON of Holme Pierrepont in the County of Nottingham Esquire and JOHN BAILEY of the Town of Nottingham Land Surveyor (who have survived John Ince late of Southwell in the said County of Nottingham Gentleman deceased) the Commissioners named and authorised in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the Thirty fifth year of the Reign of his present Majesty George the Third King of Great Britain and so forth intitled “An Act for dividing allotting and inclosing the open and Common Fields Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds within the parish of Woodborough in the County of Nottingham” and also the Chapter of the Collegiate Church of Southwell aforesaid Henry Howson Clerk as parish Vicar of Southwell aforesaid William Beecher as Prebend of the Prebendary of Woodborough in the said Collegiate Church of Southwell aforesaid (and also Lessee for Life under the same Prebend (Philip Story Clerk in respect of the Estate of the late Elizabeth Bainbrigge, John Taylor Esquire, Samuel Thorpe (who since the passing of the said Act hath purchased Estates of Robert Foster Esquire), William Cliffe, William Denman, Thomas Donnally, John Harvey, Henry Hollins, Samuel Mitchell (Trustee and Guardian of and on the behalf of John Hopkinson a Minor), John Lee, William Raynor, the said William Raynor and Charles Twells as Trustees of Elizabeth Sardison, William Thompson Clerk (Trustee and Guardian of and on the behalf Eleanor Smith Spinster a Minor), Gervas Thorpe, John Thorpe, The Parish Officers of the Woodborough aforesaid for the time being namely Joseph Wylde and John Glover, John Warton and John Wylde proprietors of Lands and Grounds allotted and hereinafter awarded in Exchange Send Greeting KNOW YE that we the said Jonas Bettison and John Bailey having (together with the said John Ince deceased) according to the said Act of Parliament held our first Meeting and taken and subscribed the Oaths prescribed by the said Act which said Oaths are hereunto annexed and the said John Bailey having made a Survey of all the said open and Common Fields Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds and of the present inclosed Lands within the said Parish of Woodborough and laid the same before us at one or more of our Meetings held in pursuance of the said Act and as directed by the said Act and taken and subscribed the Oath prescribed and directed by the said Act which Oath is hereunto also annexed And we the said Commissioners having in all other things acted agreeable to and in pursuance of the said Act and duly examined into and impartially considered of the several Matters and Things referred to and belonging to us in and by virtue of the said Act of Parliament Do make form and draw up this our Award of Instrument in writing as directed by the said Act of in and concerning the premises in manner and form following (that is to say) WE find by the said Survey and Admeasurement that the said Lands and Grounds to be divided allotted and inclosed by virtue of the said Act contain together in the whole by Statute Measure including Roads One thousand two hundred and ninety Acres three roods and fifteen perches or thereabouts And that the old or present inclosed Lands within the said parish contain together in the whole by Statute Measure Six hundred and Twenty Six Acres and Thirty six perches or thereabouts And we have caused to Maps or plans of the said parish of Woodborough to be fairly drawn up on Vellum which we have signed and in which all the Public and private Roads and Ways and the Drains and Allotments hereinafter awarded and the old Inclosures are delineated and will appear one of which said Maps or plans is hereunto annexed (and is to be taken as part of our Award) We do set out and appoint and award such Public Carriage Horse and Drift Roads and Ways as now set out and made in over and through the said Lands and Grounds to be divided allotted and inclosed as are hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) One Road leading from Woodborough aforesaid to Arnold of the breadth of Forty five feet from a Lane in the Town of Woodborough called Southward Bank Lane in the Southward direction over the Southward Bank Common to a Lane in the parish of Lambley One other Road of the breadth of Forty feet from the Westward End of the Town of Woodborough aforesaid in a North West direction over certain places called the Shutt Field. Foxwood Gorze Common and Foxwood Coppice to a Lane in the parish of Calverton at the top of Bonor Hill being the Road from Woodborough to Calverton One other Road of the breadth of Forty feet from the parish of Calverton aforesaid in an Eastward direction over the Grimesmoor Common to a Lane in the parish of Epperstone (being the Road from Calverton to Epperstone) One other Road from the Eastward end of the Town of Woodborough along a Lane called Moor Lane and from thence of the breadth of Forty feet in a Northward direction over the said Common called Grimesmoor to a Lane in the parish of Epperstone (being the Road from Woodborough to Epperstone) One other Road of the breadth of Forty feet from the Eastward end of the said Town of Woodborough in an Eastward direction over the Hawley Field and Nether Field in Woodborough aforesaid to a Lane in the parish of Lowdham (being the Road from Woodborough to Lowdham) One other Road of the breadth of Forty feet from a Lane in the said Town of Woodborough called Church Lane over the said Field called Hawley Field along by the side of Lingwood Hedge to a Lane called Lingwood Hedge Lane and after passing along the said Lane from the other end thereof in a Southward direction to a Lane in the parish of Lambley near Agram Wells Spring (being the Road from Woodborough to Lambley) And We do also set out appoint and award one Public Horse or Bridle Road of the breadth of Twelve feet from the Eastward end of the said Town of Woodborough in a Southward direction over the said Field called Hawley Field to a Lane in the said parish of Woodborough called Stracts Lane (being the Public Bridle Road from Woodborough to Lambley) And we do award order and direct that part of the Town Street of Woodborough from the Church Yard of Woodborough aforesaid to the West end of the said Town of Woodborough being an old Road which we have widened and put into repair shall be and remain of the same width the same now is and forever hereafter kept in repair in the same way the other Public Roads or Highways of the said Parish are by Law to be repaired And we do award order and direct that the pubic Road or way called the Back Lane lying on the Southward side of the said Town of Woodborough and running Parallel to and not far distant from the said last mentioned Road from the South end of the said Lane called the Church Lane to the Cross Lane called Southward Bank Lane shall for ever hereafter be stopt up and discontinued as a Public or private Road or Way And we do hereby award and appoint the following Public Foot Ways over and through the said Lands and Grounds divided and inclosed (that is to say) One Footway from the West end of the said Town of Woodborough into and over the Lands allotted and hereinafter awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge in the Field called the Shutt Field to a Stile in an old Inclosure of the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Bonor Close and after passing through the said Close where an ancient Foot way now is into and over the Lands hereinafter award to William Denman on Fox Hill Gorse Common aforesaid to a foot Stile in the said parish of Calverton (being the Foot way from Woodborough aforesaid to Calverton aforesaid) One other Foot way from a Lane in the said Town of Woodborough called Roger Lane in a Northward direction over the Field called the Moor Field along a private Carriage Road hereinafter set out to and over an Allotment in the said Field and hereinafter awarded to Eleanor Smith upto a Foot Stile in an old Inclosure belonging to the said Eleanor Smith called Potter Hole Close (being the Foot way from Woodborough aforesaid to Oxton) One other Foot way from out of the High Road between Woodborough and Epperstone called Moor Lane at the South West corner of the open Meadow allotted and hereinafter awarded to John Harvey and from thence in nearly a straight direction into the over Allotments hereinafter awarded to the said John Harvey and the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough to the Trustees of Elizabeth Sardison the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part otherwise Over Hall in the said Collegiate Church of Southwell or his Lessees (for Tythes) and to Elizabeth Bainbrigge respectively to and into the old Inclosure of the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge belonging to Woodborough Mill (being the Public Foot way from Woodborough to Epperstone) One other Foot way from the said Public Carriage Road from Woodborough to Lowdham into the North west Corner of the Copyhold Allotment adjoining the said Carriage Road hereinafter awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe and from thence to continue by the Northward Fence of the said last mentioned Carriage Road within and over the said last mentioned Allotment to the said Samuel Thorpe and Allotments hereinafter awarded to William Cliff the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison the parish Vicar of Southwell the said Prebendary of Oxton second part (in lieu of Tythes) Gervas Thorpe and Mordecai Glover to an ancient Foot Stile in the parish of Lowdham (being the Public Foot way from Woodborough to Lowdham) One other Foot Way from the Southward end of an Homestead or ancient Inclosure belonging to Henry Hollins (over which an ancient Foot Way goes from the Town Street of Woodborough) into and over allotments hereinafter awarded to William Raynor, John Taylor (in lieu of Tithes) and the said Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough (in lieu of Tithes) in nearly a straight direction to and into an old Inclosure of the said Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee called Nether Hawley Close over which and another ancient Inclosure of the said last mentioned Prebend or his Lessee thereto adjoining lies an ancient Foot Way into the Lordship of Lambley (being the Public Foot Way from Woodborough to Lambley) One other Foot Way from the Top of the Town of Woodborough at or near a place there called Southward Bank in a Southeast direction over allotment hereinafter awarded to John Taylor into and across the Public Carriage Roads herein before described from Woodborough to Lambley and from and out of the said last mentioned Carriage Road into and over another Allotment hereinafter Awarded to the said John Taylor to an ancient Foot Stile in a Close belonging to the said John Taylor called the first Hanner Close where an ancient Foot Way now goes (being the Public Foot Way from the top of the town of Woodborough to Lambley aforesaid) One other Foot Way from the West End of the Town of Woodborough in a Westward direction into and over the Allotment in the West Field hereinafter awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge, Joseph Hucknall and John Taylor into two ancient Inclosures of the said John Taylor called Water Closes (over which an ancient Public Foot Way now lies) and from thence into and over Allotments in the Stouphill Coppice allotted and hereinafter awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part or nether Hall in the Collegiate Church of Southwell and Miers Coppice allotted and hereinafter awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge to and into the parish of Arnold and or near a place called Dorcott Head (being the Public Foot Way from Woodborough to Arnold) One other Public Foot Way from a lane which leads from the Top or West End of the Town of Calverton in nearly a straight and Southwardly direction over the old Coppice and the said Miers Coppice allotted and hereinafter awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge to the said parish of Arnold at or near the said place called Dorcott Head and near unto the place where the last mentioned Foot Way enters the said Parish of Arnold And we do hereby set out and award the following private Carriage Drift Horse and Foot Roads or Ways in over or through the said Lands and Grounds described by the said Act to be divided allotted and inclosed (that is to say) One Road or way (now fenced out) of the breadth of Thirty feet from the Northward end of the said Lane called Roger Lane in Woodborough aforesaid in a Northward direction over the said Moor Fields unto two Allotments hereinafter awarded to the said Eleanor Smith and from thence turning Eastward over the said Field called Moor Field and by the Northward end of two Closes called North Dale Closes unto an Allotment hereinafter awarded to the said Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid (or his Lessee or Lessees) One other Road or Way now fenced out of the breadth of Twenty Four feet from the junction of the said last mentioned Road within the said Allotments to the said Eleanor Smith in a Westward direction over the said Moor Fields to old Inclosures of the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough (or his Lessee or Lessees) called Potter Hole Closes One other Road or Way of the breadth of Twenty One feet from the Northward end of the said Lane called Roger Lane in an Eastward direction over part of the said field called Moor Field over the Allotments in the said last mentioned Field hereinafter awarded to Joseph Wylde, John Thorpe, Edward Buck and the parish Officers of Woodborough for the time being to a house Blacksmiths Shop and Homestead belonging to the said John Taylor now in the possession of Francis Orme One other Road or Way of the breadth of Twenty One feet from the Northward End of a Lane in Woodborough aforesaid called Dark Lane into and over the Southward end of an Allotment hereinafter awarded to Samuel Thorpe in the Moor Field and into and over the Southward end of an Allotment in the same Field hereinafter awarded to John Lee along by the Northward end of an old inclosed Homestead unto and into the Allotment in the same Field hereinafter awarded to Samuel Southerne for the sole use and occupation of the Estate of the said Samuel Southerne One other Road or Way (of the breadth of Twenty one feet) from the Westward end of the Town of Woodborough into and over the said Allotment in the West Field hereinafter awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge (where the said Foot Way to Arnold lies) unto an Allotment and a Messuage or Dwelling House of Ann Southern and to a Messuage or Dwelling House and Garden of James Hind and for the use of the Messuages or Dwelling Houses of Robert Osborne and Bryan Osborne situate upon the same piece of Land at and at the back or South end of the said Messuage of the said Ann Southern One other Road or Way of the breadth of Twenty one feet from the said Public Carriage Road herein before set out from Woodborough to Calverton in an Eastward direction into and over Southward side of an Allotment in Fox Hill Gorse Common hereinafter awarded to John Worton unto a Messuage or Tenement and Garden belonging to Sarah Gadsby One other Road or Way of the breadth of Twenty one feet from the said Public Carriage Road from Woodborough to Lowdham over the Northward side of the said Land allotted and hereinafter awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee in Hawley field unto a house and Garden belonging to William Pendleton One other Road or Way of the breadth of Thirteen feet from the said last mentioned Public Road from Woodborough to Lowdham in and over the Westward side of land in the Nether Field allotted and hereinafter awarded to James Lees unto a small old Inclosure belonging to Edward Buck called Tween Dykes Close One other Road or Way (in part fenced) of the breadth of Thirty feet from the said Public Carriage Road over Southward Bank to the parish of Lambley where the said Public Road enters the said Parish of Lambley and between the said parish of Lambley and lands allotted to the said Joseph Hucknall and into and over an Allotment hereinafter awarded to the said John Taylor on Southward Bank Common and along a Lane also awarded to the said John Taylor called Water Lane into the said Lands allotted and hereinafter awarded to the said Prebendary of Oxton first part or Nether Hall, or his Lessee) And also a private Foot Road or way branching out of the said Public Foot way from Woodborough to Calverton over part of the said Lands in Shutt Fields allotted and hereinafter awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and John Worton unto a Messuage and Garden belonging to Sarah Gadsby (for the use and occupation of the said Messuage and Garden of the said Sarah Gadsby and the said lands of the said John Worton) AND WE DO hereby award order and direct that all such or so much and such part and parts of the said private Carriage Horse and Drift Roads as are fenced out on both sides shall be formed and made and for ever maintained and kept in repair by the owners and proprietors for the time being for ever of the said lands and Grounds directed by the said Act to be divided allotted and inclosed and that such or so much and such part and parts of the said private Carriage horse and Drift Roads as lies within or over or upon any Allotment or Allotments and not ordered to be fenced out on both sides as aforesaid shall be for ever maintained and kept in repair by the respective Owners or Occupiers for the time being of every such Allotment or Allotments (within or over or upon which and as far over such Allotment and Allotments as such Roads or Ways not fenced out do respectively lie AND WE DO further Award order and direct that the respective Owners or Occupiers for the time being for ever of all and every fences and Fence Drains and Drain now made and hereafter to be made and through which all or any of the said Public private and Foot ways herein before set out and awarded doth or shall pass or lie shall make and place and for ever maintain and keep in repair good and sufficient Planks or Foot Bridges over and across every such Drain and good and sufficient Stiles and Planks or Foot Bridges in and across every such Fence such Stiles not to exceed in height three feet And with respect to the Draining and carrying the water from off the Lands intended by the said to be inclosed We the said Commissioners have caused to be made the following Drains or Water courses through several parts (that is to say) One Drain or Watercourse from the parish of Calverton down the Grimesmoor Common to the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone and from thence across such Road through other part of the said Grimesmoor Common and Bath Holme Meadow to the Mill Pool near Woodborough Water Mill One other Drain or Watercourse from the Town Dike where the same enters into Woodborough open Meadow through the said meadow to join and communicate with the last mentioned drain on Grimesmoor Common And one other Drain or Watercourse from an old Inclosure herein allotted to Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Dead Man Head Close through the West Field to the Town of Woodborough And We Do order and direct that the said Drains or Watercourses shall at all times hereafter be well and sufficiently scoured cleansed and kept open and of such respective Depths and widths as will be necessary to keep a free Current for the Water to pass through the same by and at the expense of the several Owners or Occupiers of the Lands wherein such Drains are made and by the several Owners and Occupiers of the Lands in equal proportions where such Drains or Watercourses run between his or her Lands respectively and by the Surveyors of the Highways of Woodborough for the time being where such Drains or Watercourses run across any of the Public Highways in Woodborough And we do further order and direct that all other ancient Watercourses and Drains heretofore used through any of the Lands so intended to be inclosed as aforesaid and not mentioned in this Award shall in like manner be properly cleansed and scoured by the several Owners or Occupiers of the Lands through or to which such Watercourses and Drains do pass or adjoin And that the Fence Ditches of the several Allotments of Land herein made with sufficient Tunnels to be made and kept in Gateways shall at all times hereafter at the expense of the person or persons to whom such Fence Ditches shall belong be well and sufficiently cut opened and scoured so as in no wise to hinder or obstruct the draining of any Allotment or Allotments of Land or ancient Inclosure but that the Water may freely pass therefrom into some of the said Public Drains or Watercourses And for defraying the expenses of forming and putting into good and sufficient repair such Public Roads (over and above the Statute duty) and for paying the Salary and Reward of the Surveyor appointed by us for that purpose We have ascertained the following proportions to be paid by each of the owners and proprietors of the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act to be inclosed according to their respective rights and Interests therein towards any rate that has been or may hereinafter be wanted for the purposes aforesaid And we do order that John Morley of Woodborough aforesaid the Surveyor appointed by us do collect and receive the same rate or Assessment.
£ |
s. |
d. |
£ |
s. |
d. |
Alvey Samuel |
1 |
0 |
Lees James |
4 |
10 |
½ |
Bainbrigge Elizabeth |
8 |
7 |
0 |
Lee John |
10 |
8 |
Becher Rev. William |
1 |
7 |
Mercier Mr (Trustees) |
2 |
Buck Edward |
4 |
5 |
Raynor William |
2 |
0 |
Chesterfield Earl of |
4 |
8 |
Rose Thomas |
3 |
Cliff William |
5 |
6 |
½ |
Sardison Elizabeth (Trustees) |
12 |
6 |
Denman William |
2 |
0 |
Smith Eleanor |
9 |
0 |
Donnelly Thomas |
1 |
0 |
½ |
Southern Samuel |
1 |
11 |
Thorpe Samuel |
18 |
0 |
Southwell Parish Vicar of |
11 |
9 |
½ |
Prebendary of Woodbro (or his Lessee) |
1 |
9 |
8 |
Taylor John Esq. |
3 |
3 |
5 |
Glover Mordecai |
3 |
6 |
Thorp Gervas |
6 |
1 |
½ |
Harvey John |
14 |
7 |
Woodborough Parish Officers |
11 |
½ |
Hollins Henry |
2 |
0 |
½ |
Worton John |
1 |
0 |
½ |
Hopkinson John |
7 |
0 |
½ |
Thorpe John |
1 |
0 |
½ |
Howe Earl |
5 |
Wyld John |
2 |
11 |
½ |
Hucknall Joseph |
5 |
0 |
Wyld Joseph |
5 |
½ |
Total: |
£19 |
16 |
8 |
½ |
Page 7 And we do hereby award allot and set out unto the Surveyor or Surveyors of the Highways of the said parish of Woodborough for the time being and his or their Successor or Successors. All that piece or parcel of Land or Ground in Grimesmoor Common (Numbered 2 in the said Map) containing two acres and three roods and bounded on the North west thereof by the said Public Carriage Road leading from Calverton to Epperstone and on all other sides thereof by Lands hereby allotted to the said John Taylor and that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment on all sides thereof shall be made and for ever thereafter repaired by the Surveyor or Surveyors for the time being. And also all that other piece or parcel of Land or Ground in the said Grimesmoor Common (Numbered in the said Map 63) containing three roods and bounded on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough and Epperstone and all other sides thereof by Lands hereby Awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And we Award order and direct that all the Fences for inclosing such Allotment on all sides thereof shall be made and for ever thereafter kept in repair by such Surveyor or Surveyors of the Highways for the time being the Tenure of which said two Allotments is free and Common Socage. And we do hereby Award and Allot unto and for the said John Taylor one piece or parcel of Land or Ground in the said Field called Hawley Field (Numbered in the Map 235) containing Sixty six Acres one rood and one perch and bounded on or towards the North thereby by old Enclosures and Land hereby awarded to John Hopkinson on the East by Land (being other part of the said Allotment) of the said John Hopkinson by land hereby Awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough in lieu of Tythes and by old Inclosures on the South by old Inclosure and on the West by old Inclosures by the Public Road leading from Woodborough to Lambley and by Land hereby Awarded to William Raynor. And we order and direct that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment to the said John Taylor so far as the same adjoins on the East to the said Allotment to the said John Hopkinson against the said Allotment to the Prebendary of Woodborough (except for the space of Two Hundred and Forty two Yards from the North East Corner of the said John Taylor's said Allotment) and against the said Public Road leading from Woodborough to Lambley being now made agreeable to the directions of the said Act shall for ever hereafter be repaired by the Owners or Occupiers for the time being of the said Allotment of the said John Taylor. And we do hereby award and allot unto and for the Rector of the Rectory of Epperstone in the said County of Nottingham and his Successors one piece or parcel of Land in the Grimesmoor Common (Numbered in the Map 9) containing three Acres two roods and twenty two perches bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Epperstone on or towards the East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone and on or towards the South and West by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee. And we do order and direct that the fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby Awarded to the said John Lee on the South (which Fence being now made according to the directions of the said Act of Parliament) shall hereafter be repaired by the said Rector and his Successors or the Occupier thereof for the time being which Allotment hereby awarded to the said Rector of Epperstone and his Successors is in the Judgement of us the said Commissioners bona fide of the clear Yearly Value of Forty Shillings and is in lieu of and in full compensation and Satisfaction for all Tythes arising renewing or payable to the said Rector within the Manor Page 8 called the Hertford Manor or Moduses in lieu thereof (except Easter offerings Mortuaries and Surplice Fees). And we do hereby Award and allot unto and for the said Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part otherwise Oxton Nether Hall or his Lessee One piece or parcel of Land in Stoup Mill Coppice (Numbered in the Map 319) containing Ninety Acres and Nineteen perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge and by old Inclosures on or towards the East by Old Inclosures by a Lane called Water Lane hereby awarded to John Taylor by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part as Lord of the Manor of Oxton first part by Lands hereby awarded to the Lord of the Copyhold Manor of Woodborough and by Lands hereby allotted to the Earl of Chesterfield on or towards the South by the same Allotment awarded to the several Lords of the said Manors of Oxton first part and of the Copyhold Manor of Woodborough by the respective parishes of Lambley and Arnold and by the said Allotment hereby made to the said Earl of Chesterfield on or towards the West by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said Earl of Chesterfield and on the South by a Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold. And we do order and direct that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge from the said Public Carriage Road to the first angle or turn in that Fence against the said Water Lane hereby awarded to the said John Taylor against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Earl of Chesterfield on the West and against the said Public Carriage Road (which fences being now made) shall hereafter be repaired by the said Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part or his Lessee or by the occupier thereof for the time being. And we do hereby award and allot unto and for the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part otherwise Oxton over Hall in the said Collegiate Church of Southwell or his Lessee in lieu of Tythes One piece or parcel of Land in certain places adjoining each other called the Nether Field the Bath Holme and the Meadow (Numbered in the Map 123) containing Twenty seven Acres and three roods bounded on or towards part of the North by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck on other parts of the North and North East by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell and by old Inclosure on or towards the South West and part of the South by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell on or towards the remainder of the South by old Inclosure and by Lands hereby awarded to the trustees for Elizabeth Sardison and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone and by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment being now made against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck on the North against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on the North East against the said Public Carriage Roads and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell on the South and South East shall hereafter be repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part or his Lessee or by the occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (Numbered in the Map 143) containing Eight acres two roods and Thirty perches bounded on or towards part of the North by the parish of Epperstone on or towards other parts of the North-North-East and East by Lands hereby awarded to Earl Howe on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road Page 9 leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and by other Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton Second part as Lord of the Manor of Oxton second part and on or towards the West by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said Lord of the Manor of Oxton second part and by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge respectively and that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment being now made against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Earl Howe on the North East and East and against the said Public Carriage Road shall hereafter be repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part or his Lessee or by the occupier thereof for the time being. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Nether Field (numbered in the Map 147) containing Twenty Seven Acres One Rood and Seventeen perches bounded on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to Gervas Thorpe on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell and on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment being now made against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Gervas Thorpe and against the said Public Carriage Road shall hereafter be repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part or his Lessee or by the occupier thereof for the time being. And we do award and allot unto and for the said Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee in lieu of Tythes. One piece or parcel of Land in the Hawley Field (numbered in the Map 236) containing Forty two Acres two roods and Thirty perches bounded on or towards the North Eastby other Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee on or towards part of the South East by the parish of Lowdham on or towards the remainder of the South East and on the South West by old Inclosures called Hawley Closes and on or towards the North East by Arnold Inclosure called Brown's Wong Close by Lands hereby Awarded to John Taylor in lieu of Tythes and by Lands hereby awarded to John Hopkinson respectively. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment being now made against the Allotment for Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough on the North East and the length of Two Hundred and forty two Yards against the Allotment hereby awarded to the said John Taylor from the North East Corner thereof shall hereafter be repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee or the occupier thereof for the time being. And we do award and allot unto and for Charles Fowler Clerk and his Successors Curates of the perpetual Curacy of Woodborough aforesaid One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the Map 47) containing three Acres two roods and Twenty two perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to John Hopkinson on or towards the East by a private Carriage Road on or towards the South and West by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment being now made against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Hopkinson and against the said private Road shall hereafter be repaired by the said Curate or his Successors or the Occupier thereof for the time being. All which eight pieces or parcels of Land hereby awarded in lieu of Tythes contain together Two Hundred and Seventy Acres and Twenty one perches and are in the Judgment of us the said Commissioners (Quantity Quality and Situation considered) equal to one Sixth part of the Value of all the Lands within the Arable and open Fields and one Ninth part of the Value of the old Inclosures open Meadows Coppices Commons and Waste Lands Page 10 (not being within the said open Fields) in the said parish of Woodborough subject and liable to the payment of Tythes (except what is deducted for Roads) and are pursuant to the directions of the said Act of Parliament hereby awarded allotted and set out unto and for the several persons before mentioned and in proportion to their respective shares and Interests in the same in lieu of and full compensation and satisfaction for all and all manner of Tythes and Tenths whatsoever Moduses and Compositions in lieu thereof arising within the said parish Woodborough (except Easter Offerings Mortuaries and Surplice Fees) And also except the Stipends or pensions due and payable by the Prebendaries of the said Prebend of Oxton first part and Oxton Second part to the said Curate of Woodborough the Tenure of all which said eight pieces or parcels of Land last awarded is free and common socage. And we do award and allot unto and for the Right Honourable Philip East of Chesterfield as Ranger or Keeper of Thorney Woods otherwise Thorney Wood Chace One piece or parcel of Land in the Stoup Hill Coppice (numbered in the said Map 320) containing fifteen acres three roods and thirty five perches bounded on or towards the South by the respective parishes of Lambley and Arnold and on all other sides thereof by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part. And that the fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Prebend of Oxton first part on the West and Northward sides thereof shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Earl of Chesterfield or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being which Allotment hereby awarded to the said Earl is (quantity quality and situation considered) equal in Value to one Twentieth part of the Commons and Wastes and parts or portions of the Woods and Coppices as are deemed commonable Lands now divided and allotted as Commons within the laid parish of Woodborough and is in lieu and full compensation of and for the right of the said Earl in and over the said parish of Woodborough as Ranger or Keeper of the said Chace. The tenure of which said last mentioned allotment is Free and common socage. And we do award and allot unto and for the said John Taylor as Lord of a Manor in Woodborough called the Hertford Manor One piece or parcel of Land in the Southward Bank Common (numbered in the Map 259) containing two Acres three roods and thirty five perches bounded on or towards the North West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and on all other sides thereof by other Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor. And that the fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. And we do award and allot unto and for the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge as Lady of the Freehold Manor in Woodborough One piece or parcel of Land in Foxwood Coppice (numbered in the Map 290) containing four Acres and Twenty nine perches bounded on or towards the North West by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey on or towards the North East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton on or towards the East by old inclosed Lands hereby awarded to Thomas Donnelly and on or towards the South by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge And that the fence for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. And we do award and allot unto and for the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough as Lord of the Copyhold Manor of Woodborough or his Lessee One piece or parcel of Land in the Stouphill Coppice (numbered in the Map 318) containing Six Acres Page 11 one rood and eighteen perches bounded on or towards the East and South by the parish of Lambley and on or towards the West and North by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton first part shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee or by the Occupier thereof for the time being. And we do award and allot unto and for the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part or his Lessee as Lord of the Copyhold Manor of Oxton first part One piece or parcel of Land in the Stoup Hill Coppice (numbered in the Map 317) containing Two roods and eighteen perches bounded on or towards the East and South by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough and on or towards the West and North by other Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton first part in lieu of Tythes And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton first part shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton first part or his Lessee or by the Occupier thereof for the time being. And we do award and allot for the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part or his Lessee as Lord of the Copyhold of Oxton Second part one piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (numbered in the Map 142) containing one rood and four perches bounded on or towards the North West and North East by other Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part in lieu of Tythes on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and on or towards the South West by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And that the fences for inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part in lieu of Tythes and against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part or his Lessee or by the occupier thereof for the time being. All which five pieces or parcels of Land hereby awarded and allotted to the respective Lords and Lady of the several Manors within the said parish of Woodborough in proportion to their respective shares and Interests therein contain together fourteen acres one rood and Twenty four perches and are (quantity quality and situation considered) equal in Value to one twentieth part of the Commons and Wastes and parts or portions of Woods and Coppices as are deemed Commonable Lands and divided and allotted as Commons within the said parish of Woodborough and are pursuant to the directions of the said Act of Parliament in lieu of and full satisfaction for their respective Rights of the Soil in and upon the said Commons Waste Lands Woods and Coppices within the said parish of Woodborough and to be by them respective accepted and taken as such The Tenure of which said five pieces or parcels of Land last Awarded is free and common Socage. And we do award and allot unto and for the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough in the Collegiate Church of Southwell or his Lessee One piece or parcel of Land in the Hawley Field (numbered in the Map I83) containing Thirty two Acres and thirty nine perches and surrounding a House and Garden belonging to William Pendleton bounded on or towards the North West by old Inclosures and Homesteads in the Town of Woodborough on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the Page 12 North East and part of the South East by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Thorpe on or towards the remainder of the South East by the parish of Lowdham on or towards the South West by other Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough in lieu of Tythes and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to John Hopkinson. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee or by the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land part thereof being in the Moor Field and the residue thereof being part of Grimesmoor Common thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 8) containing Fifty two acres three roods and eleven perches bounded on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee, Samuel Alvey and the parish Vicar of Southwell respectively and by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to John Wyld, Samuel Thorpe and the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison respectively and by old Inclosures called North Dale Closes on or towards the West by Lands allotted to Samuel Thorpe by a Close called North Dale Close hereby awarded to Eleanor Smith by the end of a private Carriage Road and by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor and on or towards the North by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said John Taylor by the Public Carriage Road leading from Calverton to Epperstone by the parish of Epperstone and by the same respective Allotments hereby awarded to the said Samuel Alvey and the said parish Vicar of Southwell. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Roads against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Lee (except against a Close called Coxon Wong Close) against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Alvey on the East and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Prebendary or his Lessee or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of land in the Meadow (numbered in the said Map 121) containing Seven acres two roods and Thirty one perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees of Elizabeth Sardison on or towards the East by old Inclosures and the Lands hereby awarded to James Lees on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone. And that the fences for Inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison and against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Prebendary or his Lessee or the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. And also to the Prebendary of the said Prebend All that Close in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge called the Rail Close (numbered in the said Map 156) containing One Acre and Twenty five perches. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Fisher Close part whereof was heretofore the property of Samuel Thorpe (numbered in the said Map 116) containing two acres two roods and one perch. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Hop Yard part whereof was heretofore the property of John Taylor (numbered in the said Map 166 & 167) containing three acres two roods and twelve perches. And also all that Close or parcel of Land heretofore the property of Samuel Thorpe called Potter Hole Close lying within the parish of Calverton and adjoining to the Page 13 parish of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 49) containing three roods and Twenty six perches. All which several parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together One hundred Acres three roods and Twenty five perches are hereby Awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessees in full satisfaction of all his and their Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed and also in full compensation for the following Closes or parcels of old inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore belonging to the Prebendary of the said Prebend or his Lessee and by him and them given in exchange for other lands of equal Value and hereby awarded to the several persons following viz. To Elizabeth Bainbrigge all that piece of Inclosed Land in the Town of Woodborough called Harts Garden (numbered in the said Map 74). Also all that Close called Burrow Close (numbered in the said Map 295). And also all that Close called Water Gutter Close (numbered in the said Map 141). And to William Cliff all that Close called Needle House Close (numbered in the said Map 178). To Samuel Thorpe part of a Close called the Seventeen Lands Close (numbered in the said Map 160). To John Lee all that Close called Coxon Wong Close (numbered in the said Map 11). And also all that Close called the Moor Lane Close (numbered in the said Map 12). To John Wyld all that Close also called Moor Lane Close (numbered in the said Map 129). And to John Taylor all that Close called the Water Close (numbered in the said Map 316). The tenure of all which said several parcels of Land containing together One Hundred Acres three roods and Twenty five perches is free and Common Socage and are in Lease for lives. And we do Award and Allot unto and for Samuel Alvey One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 13) containing One Acre three roods and Thirty nine perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee on or towards the East by the said Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone on or towards part of the South by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell and on or towards the remainder of the South and West by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road against the Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough on the South shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Alvey or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being which Allotment is hereby awarded to the said Samuel Alvey in full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the Lands intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. The tenure of which said last mentioned Allotment is Copyhold held by Copy of Court Roll of the said Manor of Woodborough called the Copyhold Manor. And we do award and Allot unto and for the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge One piece or parcel of Land in the Shute Field (numbered in the said Map 62) containing Eleven Acres three roods and eighteen perches bounded on or towards the East by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and by an ancient Homestead belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge (in the possession of William Gadsby) on or towards the South by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton on or towards part of the West by Lands hereby awarded to John Worton and on or towards part of the West and on the North by old Inclosures belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and Page 14 thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. The tenure of which said piece or parcel of Land last awarded is free and Common Socage. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Shute Field (numbered in the said Map 64) containing Nine Acres bounded on or towards the North by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Little Stocking Close on or towards the East and West by other Land hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the South by old Inclosures and Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough. Also one other piece or parcel of Land called the Leys Close (numbered in the said Map 65) containing One acre one rood and Twenty four perches bounded on or towards the East by an old Inclosure belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge called the New Close on or towards the South by an ancient Homestead belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge in the Tenure of Nicholas Lees. And on or towards the West and North by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 67) containing Eight acres two roods and thirteen perches bounded on or towards the East by Lands hereby Awarded to John Harvey on or towards the South by old Inclosures and Homesteads on or towards the West by an Inclosure called New Close belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the North by old Inclosures called New Close and Great Stocking Close respectively. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. The tenure of which said three pieces or parcels of Land last awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge is Copyhold held by Copy of Court Roll of the said Manor of Woodborough called the Copyhold Manor. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in certain places adjoining each other called the Grimesmoor Common, the Meadow and the Bath Holme (numbered in the said Map 130) containing Thirty two Acres three roods and thirteen perches bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Epperstone on or towards the East by old Inclosures on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part by old Inclosures and by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck and John Wyld respectively and on or towards the West by old Inclosure by Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck and by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck on the West and against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 140) containing Ten Acres one rood and five perches bounded on or towards the North and East by old Inclosures on or towards the South by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part and by old Inclosures respectively. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land being part of a Page 15 Lane called the Back Lane (numbered in the said Map 219) containing Twenty nine perches bounded on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey and on or towards the North and South by old Inclosures belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the Land hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of land being another part of the said Lane called Back Lane (numbered in the said Map 225) containing one rood and Twenty two perches bounded on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey on or towards the West by a Lane called Southward Bank Lane and on or towards the North and South by an ancient Homestead and Close called The Rye Close belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And that the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey and against the said Lane called Southward Bank Lane shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land part thereof lying in the West Field and the residue thereof on Southward Bank Common thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 264) containing Fifty three Acres One rood and Thirty four perches bounded on or towards the North West by old Inclosures and by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge in Foxwood Coppice on or towards the North by old Inclosure and by Lands hereby awarded to James Wheeler on or towards the North and East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton by old Inclosures and by Lands hereby awarded to Thomas Rose on or towards the South and South East by old Inclosure by Lands hereby awarded to the said Thomas Rose by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Thorpe and on or towards the South West and West by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe by Lands hereby awarded to Joseph Hucknall and by old Inclosures respectively. And that the fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Roads against the Lands hereby respectively awarded to James Wheeler, Thomas Rose, Samuel Thorpe and Joseph Hucknall shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge as the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said West Field in a place called the Upper Wynhill (numbered in the said Map 303) containing Ten acres and sixteen perches bounded on or towards part of the South by Lands hereby respectively awarded to Joseph Hucknall and John Taylor and on all other sides and parts thereof by old Inclosures. And that the fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall and John Taylor respectively shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land lying in certain places adjoining each other called the Old Coppice, Miers Coppice and Stouphill Coppice (numbered in the said Map 321) containing Two Hundred and forty six Acres and Twenty nine perches bounded on or towards the West and part of the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Arnold to Calverton on or towards the remainder of the North and North West by the parish of Calverton on or towards the East by old Inclosures belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the South East by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part on or towards the Page 16 South by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and on or towards the South West by the parish of Arnold. And that the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Carriage Roads and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton first part from a Close called the Ox Close to the second Angle or Turn in that fence shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land on Spindle Lane Common (numbered in the said Map 322) containing One Acre and two roods bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Calverton on or towards the East and West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the South by an old Inclosure called the Rough Riddings. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in Foxwood Coppice (numbered in the said Map 293) containing Forty nine Acres two roods and two perches bounded on or towards the North West by the parish of Calverton and by Lands hereby awarded to Henry Hollins on or towards the North by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge as Lady of the Freehold Manor of Woodborough on or towards the North East by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said Henry Hollins and by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey on or towards the South East by Lands hereby awarded to the said Thomas Donnally and by other Lands in the West field hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the South and South West by old Inclosures and on or towards the West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on Spindle Lane Common. And that the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the Lands hereby respectively awarded to the said John Harvey and Henry Hollins on the North East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land at the West end or top of the Town of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 323) containing thirty four perches bounded on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton on or towards part of the South by Lands hereby awarded to Ann Southern and on all other sides and parts thereof by old Inclosures and Homesteads. And that the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge or the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge the following Closes or parcels of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of John Taylor (that is to say). All that Close within the said Town of Woodborough called Lomas Close (numbered in the said Map 72) containing one rood and Thirty five perches. Also all that other Close called the Nether Fish Pond Close (numbered in the said Map 278) containing one acre and Eighteen perches. And also all that other Close called the Upper Fish Pond Close (numbered in the said Map 283) containing three acres two roods and thirty four perches. And the following Closes or parcels of old inclosed Land in Woodborough heretofore the property of the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid or his Lessee (that is to say) All that Close or parcel of Land called Harts Garden (numbered in the said Map 74) containing Thirty eight perches. Also all that Close called Burrow Close (numbered in the Map 295) containing Two acres three roods and eight perches. And also all that Close called the Water Gutter Close (numbered in the said Map 141) containing three acres and twenty nine perches and the following Close or parcel of old inclosed Land in Page 17 Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Samuel Thorpe vizt. all that Close or parcel of Land called the Mill Close (numbered in the said Map 139) containing One Acre and twenty four perches. And also one Ley of Ground in the Middle Close Pingle (numbered in the said Map 162) containing Sixteen perches. And the following Closes or parcels of inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of the said parish Vicar of Southwell (that is to say) all that Close called the Mill Close (numbered In the said Map 136) containing One Acre and four perches. And also all that Close called Deadman Head Close (numbered in the said Map 382) containing one Acre two roods and Twenty three perches. And the following Close or parcel of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Elizabeth Sardison or her Trustees vizt. all that Close called Burrow Close (numbered in the said Map 294) containing one Acre three roods and thirty perches. And the following Close or parcel of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of John Hopkinson vizt. all that Close called Wynhill Close (numbered in the said Map 284) containing two acres three roods and twenty perches. And the following parcels of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of James Lees vizt. One Ley of Ground lying in the Meadow Close (numbered in the said Map 161) containing one rood and twenty Perches. And also one Ley of Ground in the Meadow Close Pingle (numbered in the said Map 162) containing Nineteen Perches. And the following Closes or parcels of old Inclosed Land In Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of divers persons vizt. all that Close called Mill Leys Close (numbered in the said Map 138) containing two acres one rood and two perches. And also all that small Close called Collishaws Fishpond Pingle (numbered in the said Map 281) containing thirty five perches. All which several Allotments of open Land and parcels of old Inclosure containing together Four hundred and fifty seven Acres three roods and thirty four perches are hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge in full satisfaction of all her Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed and also in full compensation for the following Closes or parcels of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and by her given in Exchange for other Lands of equal value and are hereby awarded to the several persons following (that is to say) to the said John Taylor all that small piece of old Inclosed Land called Button Park (numbered in the said Map 209). Also all that Close called Hanner Wood Close (numbered in the said Map 241) And also all that Close called the Hanner Butts Close (numbered in the said Map 242). And to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough or his Lessee. All that Close called the Rail Close (numbered in the said Map 156). And to Samuel Thorpe All that Close called Gadsby Meadow Close (numbered in the said Map 158). All that other Close thereto adjoining called Drings Nether Field Close (numbered in the said Map 159). And also for a small piece of Land in the old Meadow (numbered in the said Map 170). And to the parish Vicar of Southwell All that Close called the North Dale Close (numbered in the said Map 27). And to Henry Hollins One Ley of Ground in a Garden in the possession of Noah Wood (numbered in the said Map 96). And to John Lee one Ley of Ground in his Homestead (numbered in the said Map 110). And to William Raynor All that Close called the Church Yard Close (numbered in the said Map 204). And to Gervas Thorpe One Ley of Ground in his Homestead (numbered in the said Map 193). And also all that Close called Bonnet Close (numbered in the said Map 190). And to Page 18 John Thorpe All that Close called New Row Close (numbered In the said Map 37). And to the Parish Officers of Woodborough for the time being part of a Garden in Woodborough aforesaid (numbered in the said Map 39). And to Thomas Donnally part of a Close called Osbornes Foxwood Close (numbered in the said Map 287) the tenure of all which said Twenty six Allotments of open and old Inclosed Lands last above awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge is Free and Common Socage. And we do award and Allot unto and for Edward Buck One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered In the said Map 33) containing three acres three roods and one perch bounded on or towards the North and part of the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor on or towards the remainder of the East by an ancient homestead and by Lands hereby awarded to the parish officers of Woodborough aforesaid on or towards the South by ancient Homesteads and by Lands hereby awarded to John Thorpe and Joseph Wyld respectively and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the said John Thorpe and by a private Carriage Road. And that the fences for Inclosing the same Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor against the said private Carriage Road against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Thorpe from the Northward Corner of the said John Thorpe’s Allotment to a Close called New Row Close hereby awarded to the said John Thorpe shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Edward Buck or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Meadow (numbered in the said Map 124) containing Six Acres three roods and thirteen perches bounded on or towards the North by old Inclosures and by Lands hereby awarded to John Wyld and Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards part of the last by old Inclosures and by Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the remainder of the East and on the South by Lands hereby awarded to the prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part or his Lessee in lieu of Tythes and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone and by old Inclosures respectively And that the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on the North and against the Lands hereby awarded to the prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton Second part on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Edward Buck or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. And also to the said Edward Buck all that Close or parcel of inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Samuel Thorpe called Willow Stile Close (numbered in the said Map 126) containing one Acre and Sixteen perches. All which three parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together Eleven Acres two roods and Thirty perches are hereby Awarded to the said Edward Buck in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. The tenure of which said three parcels of Land awarded to the said Edward Buck is Copyhold held by Copy of Court Roll of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. And we do award and allot unto and for William Cliffe. One piece or parcel of Land in the Hawley Field (numbered in the said Map 179) containing Fifteen Acres one rood and thirty four perches bounded on or towards the North West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the North East by Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison on or towards the South East by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the South West by Lands hereby awarded Page 19 to Samuel Thorpe. And that the fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for the said Elizabeth Sardison shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said William Cliff or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Hawley Field (numbered in the said Map 173) containing Twenty three perches bounded on or towards the North and East by old Inclosures on or towards the South by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe. And that the fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to said Samuel Thorpe shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said William Cliff or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. And also to the said William Cliff One Ley of Ground lying in a Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Townend Close heretofore the property of James Lees (numbered in the said Map 174) containing Thirty one perches. Also one other ley of Ground lying in the said Close called Townend Close heretofore the property of John Harvey (numbered in the said Map 175) containing Thirty two perches. Also all that other Close in Woodborough aforesaid called also Townend Close heretofore the property of John Lee (numbered in the said Map 176) containing three roods and seven perches. And also all that other Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Needle House Close heretofore the property of the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 178) containing two roods and eight perches. All which pieces or parcels of open and Inclosed Land containing together Seventeen Acres one rood and fifteen perches are hereby awarded to the said William Cliff in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds Intended by the said Act of Parliament to be Inclosed. And also in full compensation for a Close in Woodborough called Moor Lane Close hereby awarded to John Lee. The tenure of which said six several parcels of lands above awarded to the said William Cliff is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. And we do award and allot unto and for William Denman One piece or parcel of Land in a certain place called Foxwood (numbered in the said Map 56) containing four acres three roods and eight perches bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Calverton on or towards the East by a Close belonging to Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Bonor Close on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Officers of Woodborough for the time being and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton. And that the Fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said parish Officers of Woodborough shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said William Denman or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being which Allotment of Land is hereby awarded to the said William Denman in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed and also in full Compensation for a small piece of inclosed Land heretofore the property of the said William Denman called the Pink Ridding lying within the parish of Lambley and adjoining to the said parish of Woodborough and which said small piece of inclosed Land is hereby awarded to John Taylor. The tenure of which said Allotment to the said William Denman is free and Common Socage. And we do Award and Allot unto and for the said Thomas Donnally part of a Close in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore Page 20 the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Osbornes Foxwood Close (numbered in the said Map 207) containing three roods and Sixteen perches. And also all that other Close in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of John Lee called Great Foxwood Close and adjoining to the last mentioned piece of Land (numbered in the said Map 288) containing one Acre and thirty three perches which two pieces of old inclosed Land containing together Two Acres and Nine perches are hereby awarded to the said Thomas Donnally in full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed The tenure of which said two Allotments to the said Thomas Donnally is free and Common Socage. And we do award and allot unto and for Samuel Thorpe All that close Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Gadsby Meadow Close (numbered in the said Map 158) containing One Acre and Twenty perches. Also all that other Close thereto adjoining in Woodborough aforesaid called Drings Nether Field Close (numbered in the said Map 159) containing one Acre two roods and eight perches The tenure of which said two last mentioned Closes awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe is free and Common Socage. Also all that other Close thereto adjoining in Woodborough aforesaid called the Seventeen Lands Close (numbered in the said Map 160) containing five Acres one rood and Twenty six perches The Tenure of which is Copyhold held by Copy of Court Roll of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. Also all that other Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Townend Close (numbered in the said Map 171) containing one Acre and Twenty seven perches Also all that piece or parcel of Land called the Old Meadow and adjoining to the said last mentioned Close called Townend Close (numbered In the said Map I70) containing two roods and fifteen perches The tenure of which said two last mentioned Closes is free and Common Socage. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Hawley Field (numbered in the said Map l80) containing Twenty two Acres and ten perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held by Copy of Court Roll of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor bounded on or towards the North East by lands hereby awarded to William Cliff on or towards the South East by the parish of Lowdham on or towards part of the South West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe on or towards the remainder of the South West and North West by Lands hereby awarded to the prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough and on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said William Cliff shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Thorpe or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Hawley Field (numbered in the said Map 182) containing two Acres two roods and thirty four perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton first part or Nether Hall bounded on or towards the North East by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe on or towards the South East by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the South West and North West by Lands hereby awarded to the prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid. And one other piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 18) containing thirteen Acres three roods and three perches bounded on or towards the North and part of the East by Lands hereby awarded to the prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough and John Wild respectively and by a Garden belonging to Samuel Clay on or towards the remainder of the East by the Page 21 Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone on or towards the West by Ancient Homesteads in the Town of Woodborough and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee and to the Trustees for Elisabeth Sardison respectively. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Wyld and against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Thorpe or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being The tenure of which said last mentioned Allotment is Copyhold held of the Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. All which several parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together Forty eight acres one rood and Twenty three perches are hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe in full satisfaction of all his Land and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And also in full compensation of the following Closes or parcels of old inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore belonging to the said Samuel Thorpe and by him given in Exchange for other Lands of equal value and are hereby Awarded to the several persons following (that is to say) To Elizabeth Bainbrigge. All that Close called the Mill Close (numbered in the said Map 139). And also one Ley of Ground in the Meadow Close Pingle (numbered in the said Map 162). To Edward Buck All that close called Willow Stile Close (numbered in the said Map 126). To Gervas Thorp One Ley of Ground lying in his Homestead (numbered in the said Map 194). And to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid part of a Close called Fisher Close (numbered in the said Map 116). And also all that Close or parcel of Land called Potter Hole Close lying within the parish of Calverton and adjoining to the said parish of Woodborough (numbered In the said Map 49). And we do award and allot unto and for Mordecai Glover One piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 145) containing Eight Acres and Sixteen perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Woodborough Copyhold Manor bounded on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East and South by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to Gervas Thorpe. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the said parish of Lowdham so far as the fence belongs to and hath heretofore been made by the proprietors of Lands in the said parish of Woodborough shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Mordecai Glover or the Owner or occupier thereof for the time being which allotment of Land is hereby Awarded unto the said Mordecai Glover in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for John Harvey All that close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Moor Lane Close (numbered in the said Map 118 and 119) containing one Acre three roods and twenty two perches. Also one piece or parcel of Land in the Meadow and adjoining to the said Moor Lane Close (numbered in the said Map 120) containing five acres and ten perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to James Lees and by a Close belonging to Elizabeth Bainbrigge called the Meadow Close on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee and by the said Moor Lane Close hereby awarded to the said John Harvey and on or towards the West by the said Moor Lane Close and by the Page 22 Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone The tenures of which said two last Allotments to the said John Harvey is Copyhold of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. And that the fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Harvey or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 68) containing two acres and two roods the tenure of which is free and Common Socage bounded on or towards the East by other lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey on or towards the South by a Homestead belonging to Elizabeth Bainbrigge and by a Close called Carter Close belonging to the said John Harvey on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the North by a Close called Great Stocking Close belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 69) containing Nine Acres three roods and ten perches bounded on or towards the West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey on or towards the North by the said Close called Great Stocking Close and by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor on or towards the East by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said John Taylor and by a Close called Broad Mear Close and on or towards the South by a Close called Broad Close and by ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough respectively. And that the fences for inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor from the said Great Stocking Close to the said Close called Broad Mear Close shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Harvey or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land being part of a Lane called the Back Lane (numbered in the said Map 222) containing Sixteen perches bounded on or towards the North by ancient Homesteads belonging to the said John Harvey and to John Worton on or towards the East and West by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the South by a Close belonging to the said John Harvey called Coney Close. And that the fences for inclosing the same Allotment against the lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Harvey or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being.And also one other piece or parcel of Land in Foxwood Coppice (numbered in the said Map 291) containing fifteen acres one rood and Seven perches bounded on or towards the East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton on or towards the South and part of the West by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the remainder of the West and part of the North by lands hereby awarded to Henry Hollins and on or towards the remainder of the North by the parish of Calverton. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on the South shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Harvey or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being The tenure of all which said three Allotments last made to the said John Harvey is Copyhold held of the said last mentioned Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor All which several pieces or parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together Thirty four Acres two roods and Twenty five perches are hereby awarded to the said John Harvey in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And also in Page 23 full compensation of one Ley of Ground in a Close in Woodborough called Town End Close hereby awarded to William Cliff. And we do award and allot unto and for Henry Hollins One piece or parcel of Land lying in a Garden in Woodborough aforesaid in the possession of Noah Wood (numbered in the said Map 96) containing one rood and Ten perches. Also one other piece or parcel of Land lying in the said Garden in the possession of the said Noah Wood (numbered in the said Map 98) containing one rood and Ten perches. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in a place called Foxwood (numbered in the said Map 292) containing four Acres three roods and three perches bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Calverton on or towards the East and part of the South by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey and on or towards the remainder of the South and West by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on the South shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Henry Hollins or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being All which three pieces or parcels of open and inclosed Land contain together Five acres one rood and Twenty three perches (the Tenure of which is free and Common Socage) are hereby awarded to the said Henry Hollins in full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And we do award and Allot unto and for John Hopkinson one piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 48) containing Six Acres two roods and Thirty five perches bounded on or towards the North and East by a private Carriage Road on or towards the South by lands hereby awarded to the Curate of Woodborough aforesaid and to John Taylor and on or towards the West by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said John Taylor and by a Close called Potter Hole Close respectively. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said private Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Hopkinson or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of land in the Hawley Field (numbered in the said Map 234) containing Eight acres three roods and Twenty three perches bounded on or towards the North by old Inclosures on or towards the East by Lands hereby Awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough and on or towards the South and West by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor. And that the fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend and against the lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor on the South shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Hopkinson or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. And also one small piece or parcel of Land lying in a Garden in Woodborough aforesaid called Worthingtons Garden (numbered in the said Map 280) containing Six perches All which three pieces or parcels of Land containing together Fifteen Acres two roods and Twenty four perches the tenure of which we award to be free and Common Socage are hereby awarded to the said John Hopkinson in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And also in full compensation of and for a Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Wynhill Close and which is hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And we do Page 24 award and allot unto and for the Right Honourable Earl Howe One piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 144) containing three roods and Twenty seven perches bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Epperstone on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and on all other sides thereof by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton Second part. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton Second part on the South shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Earl Howe or the Owner or occupier thereof for the time being which Allotment of Land is hereby awarded to the said Earl Howe in full compensation of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed and the Tenure thereof is free and Common Socage. And we do award and allot unto and for Joseph Hucknall One piece or parcel of Land being part of a Lane called the Back Lane (numbered in the said Map 216) containing five perches bounded on or towards the North by an ancient Homestead belonging to the said Joseph Hucknall on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor on or towards the South by a Close called Brackendale Close belonging to the said Joseph Hucknall and on or towards the West by Land hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Joseph Hucknall or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one piece or parcel of Land on Southwood Bank Common (numbered in the said Map 262) containing Four Acres three roods and thirty one perches bounded on or towards the North west by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall on or towards the North East by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Thorpe on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and on or towards the South West by a private Carriage Road and by Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public and Private Carriage Roads and against the lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor on the South West shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Joseph Hucknall or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being The tenure of which said two Allotments is free and Common Socage.Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the West Field (numbered in the said Map 305) containing five acres and one rood the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton second part or over Hall bounded on or towards part of the North West by a Close belonging to Elizabeth Bainbrigge called Wynhill Close on or towards the remainder of the North West and North East by Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the South East and South West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said West Field (numbered in the said Map 306) containing two roods and Twenty six perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton first part or Nether Hall bounded on or towards the North West by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the North East and South East by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall and on or towards the South West by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor All which four Allotments of Land contain together Ten Acres Page 25 three roods and Twenty two perches are hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And we do award and Allot unto and for James Lees One piece or parcel of Land lying in certain places adjoining each other called the Nether Field, the Bath Holme and between Dykes Meadow (Numbered in the said Map 153) containing Ten acres and three roods bounded on or towards the North West by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey and to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid and by old Inclosures on or towards the North East by a Close called Between Dykes Close belonging to Edward Buck and by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and by old Inclosed Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Thorpe and on or towards the South West by old Inclosed Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe and by a Close called Meadow Close belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And that the Fences for Inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Parish Vicar of Southwell and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey and to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said James Lees or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being which allotment of Land the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor is hereby awarded to the said James Lees in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed and also in full compensation of two Leys of Ground in the Moor Lane Close hereby awarded to John Harvey. Also one Ley of Ground in the Town End Close hereby awarded to William Cliff. Also one Ley of Ground in the Meadow Close hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. Also one Ley of Ground in the Meadow Close Pingle hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And also one Ley of Ground in the Mill Leys Close hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And we do hereby Award and Allot unto and for John Lee One Ley of Ground lying in his Homestead which was heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered in the said Map 110) containing one rood and Ten perches. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Moor Lane Close which was heretofore the property of William Cliff (numbered in the said Map 117) containing three Acres and thirty six perches. Also one piece or parcel of Land in the Meadow (numbered in the said Map 164) containing one Acre two roods and twenty four perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to John Harvey and on all other Sides thereof by old Inclosures. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Harvey shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Lee or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 19) containing three Acres and five perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Thorpe on or towards the South by ancient Homesteads in the Town of Woodborough and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Southern. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded Page 26 to the said Samuel Thorpe and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Lee or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field and Grimesmoor Common thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 10) containing Eighteen Acres one rood and Twelve perches bounded on or towards the North by the parish of Epperstone by Lands hereby awarded to the Rector of Epperstone and by old Inclosures hereby awarded to the said John Lee on or towards the East by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said Rector of Epperstone on by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone and by a Close called Moor Lane Side Close hereby awarded to the said John Lee on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Alvey and by a Close called Coxon Wong Close hereby awarded to the said John Lee and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough and by the said Close called Coxon Wong Close. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Alvey against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby Awarded to the said Rector of Epperstone on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Lee or the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also to the said John Lee All that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Coxon Wong Close heretofore the property of the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 11) containing Two Acres three roods and Thirty seven perches. And also all that other Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Moor Lane Side Close heretofore the property of the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 12) containing three roods and eleven perches. All which several parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together Thirty Acres one rood and fifteen perches The tenure whereof is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor are hereby awarded to the said John Lee in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed and also in full compensation of the following Closes or parcels of old inclosed Land given up to be exchanged by the said John Lee for other Lands of equal value (that is to say) All that Close called Great Foxwood Close hereby awarded to Thomas Donnally. Also All that Close called Little Foxwood Close hereby awarded to John Worton. And also all that Close called the Town End Close hereby awarded to William Cliff. And we do award and allot unto and for Thomas Rose One piece or parcel of Land in the West Field and Southwood Bank Common thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 265) containing one rood and twenty eight perches the tenure whereof is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton first part or Nether Hall bounded on or towards part of the East by a House and Garden belonging to the said Thomas Rose on or towards the South and South East by the Pubic Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and on all other sides and parts thereof by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Thomas Rose or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said West Page 27 Field (numbered in the said Map 267) containing Seven perches the tenure whereof is free and Common socage bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the East by a House and Garden belonging to John Clarke on or towards the South by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and on or towards the West by a House and Garden belonging to the said Thomas Rose. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Thomas Rose or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being which two Allotments of Land containing together one rood and Thirty five perches are hereby awarded to the said Thomas Rose in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for William Raynor one piece or parcel of Land in the Hawley Field (numbered in the said Map 233) containing one acre and three roods bounded on or towards the North by ancient Homesteads and Inclosures within the Town of Woodborough on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Taylor on or towards the South by a Close called Lingwood Sike Close belonging to the said John Taylor and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lambley. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said William Raynor or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also all that close or parcel of Inclosed land in Woodborough aforesaid called Southern's Old Yard heretofore the property of John Taylor (numbered in the said Map 203) containing three roods and seven perches. And also all that one Close or parcel of Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid called the Church Yard Close heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered in the said Map 204) containing one rood and thirty four perches which three parcels of open and inclosed Land contain together three acres and one perch the tenure whereof is free and Common Socage are hereby awarded to the said William Raynor in full satisfaction of all his Lands and common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for Samuel Southern One piece or parcel of land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 20) containing two acres and fourteen perches The tenure whereof is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor bounded on or towards the North by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Southern on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee on or towards the South by ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment, against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Lee shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Southern or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 21) containing two roods and thirty one perches the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton second part or Over Hall bounded on or towards the North and South by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Page 28 Samuel Southern on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison. And that the Fences for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Lee shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Southern or the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 22) containing two roods and nineteen perches the tenure of which is free and Common Socage bounded on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Lee on or towards the South by other Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Southern and on or towards the West and North by lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison. And that the Fence for inclosing the said Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Lee and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison on the North shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Southern or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being which three Allotments of Land containing together three acres one rood and twenty four perches are hereby awarded to the said Samuel Southern in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act to be Inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for Ann Southern One piece or parcel of land in the West Field (numbered In the said Map 273) containing Twenty six perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor bounded on or towards the North by lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the East by old Inclosure on or towards the South by lands hereby awarded to James Wheeler and on or towards the West by Houses and Gardens belonging to Robert Osborn and the said Ann Southern. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the Land hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Ann Southern or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being which Allotment of Land is hereby awarded to the said Ann Southern in full satisfaction of all her Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be Inclosed. And we do award and Allot unto and for Eleanor Smith One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 28) containing four acres and twenty perches bounded on or towards the North by old Inclosures called North Dale Closes on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison on or towards the South by ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough and on or towards the West by lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees for Elizabeth Sardison shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Eleanor Smith or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the North Dale Close heretofore the property of the parish Vicar of Southwell (numbered in the said Map 25) containing one acre one rood and eighteen perches. Also all that other Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Far North Dale Close heretofore the property of the said parish Vicar of Southwell (numbered in the said Map 30) containing one acre three roods and eight perches. Also one piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field Page 29 in a place there called Potter Hole (numbered in the said Map 7) containing Seven Acres three roods and twenty perches bounded on or towards the North by a Close called Potter Hole Close belonging to the said Eleanor Smith and by lands hereby awarded to John Taylor on or towards the East by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said John Taylor on or towards the South by a private Carriage Road and on or towards the West by other lands hereby awarded to the said Eleanor Smith. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said private Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Eleanor Smith or by the owner or occupier thereof for the time being the Tenure of all which said four last Allotments is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field in Potter Hole (numbered in the said Map 6) containing Seven acres three roods and thirty perches the tenure of which is free and Common Socage bounded on or towards the North by a Close called Potter Hole Close belonging to the said Eleanor Smith on or towards the East by other lands hereby awarded to the said Eleanor Smith on or towards the South by a private Carriage Road and on or towards the West by old Inclosures. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said private Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Eleanor Smith or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. All which five parcels of open and Inclosed Land containing together Twenty three Acres and Sixteen perches are hereby awarded to the said Eleanor Smith in full satisfaction of all her Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be Inclosed. And also in full compensation of the following parcels of old inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of the said Eleanor Smith (that is to say) One Ley of ground in Fish Pond Pingle. Also one Ley of Ground in Mill Leys Close both hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge and also for a small piece of Land lying in a Garden at Woodborough hereby awarded to the parish officers of Woodborough. And we do award and allot unto and for the Trustees of Elizabeth Sardison one piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 23) containing Ten acres one rood and thirty seven perches bounded on or towards the North by old Inclosures called the North Dale Closes and by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough on or towards the East by Lands hereby respectively allotted to Samuel Thorpe and Samuel Southern on or towards the South by lands hereby allotted to John Lee and Samuel Southern and by ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to Eleanor Smith and by a Close called North Dale Close belonging to the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Samuel Southern on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Trustees for the said Elizabeth Sardison or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Meadow (numbered in the said Map 122) containing Seven Acres and thirty perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part on or Page 30 towards the East by an old Inclosure belonging to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough on or towards the South by lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Hawley Field and Nether Field thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 152) containing Ten acres three roods bounded on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East by other Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to William Cliff. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being The tenure of which said three last Allotments is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 151) containing two acres and sixteen perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton first part or Nether Hall bounded on or towards the North by the Public Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East and West by other Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison and on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 150) containing Three acres two roods and Ten perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor of Oxton second part or Over Hall and bounded on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East by lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the West by other Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell shall be made and thereafter repaired by the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. All which five Allotments of Land containing together Thirty four acres and thirteen perches are hereby awarded to the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison in full satisfaction of all her or their Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act or Parliament to be Inclosed and also in full compensation of the following Closes or parcels of Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of the Trustees of the said Elizabeth Sardison and by them given up in Exchange for other Lands of equal Value (that is to say) all that Close called Burrow Close hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. Also all those two Page 31 Closes called the Crew Closes hereby awarded to John Taylor. And also all that other Close called the Hunner Butts Close hereby awarded to the said John Taylor. And we do award and Allot unto and for the parish Vicar of the Vicarage of Southwell and his Successors for the time being One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 15) containing one acre and Twenty two perches the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor and bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Alvey on or towards the East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone and by a Close called Flatewell Close belonging to the said Vicar on or towards the South by the said Close called Flatewell Close and by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough and on or towards the West by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough. And that the Fences for inclosing such allotment against the said Public Carriage Road being now made shall be hereafter repaired by the said Vicar or by the owner or occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 29) containing Seven acres two roods and Nineteen perches bounded on or towards the North by old Inclosures called North Dale Closes on or towards the East by a Close called North Dale Close hereby awarded to the said Vicar and his Successors and by Lands hereby awarded to Eleanor Smith on or towards the South by Ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough and by Lands hereby Awarded to John Taylor and on or towards the West by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the said John Taylor. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Eleanor Smith and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor from the North Dale Close to the first Angle or Turn in that Fence being now made shall hereafter be repaired by the said Vicar or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also all that Close in Woodborough called the North Dale Close being heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered In the said Map 27) containing one Acre two roods and seven perches. Also all that other Close in Woodborough called the Hick Close being heretofore the property of John Taylor (numbered in the said Map 196) containing three roods and six perches Also one piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field and Bath Holme thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 154) containing eleven acres three roods and ten perches bounded on or towards the North West by old Inclosures and by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part on or towards the North East by the same Allotment hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton second part on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham and on or towards the South West by Lands hereby awarded to James Lees and by old Inclosures. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Oxton Second part from the said Public Road to the first Angle or turn in that Fence being now made shall hereafter be repaired by the said Vicar or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 148) containing Six acres one rood and eleven perches bounded on or towards the North by the Page 32 Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton second part being now made shall hereafter be repaired by the said Vicar or the Owner or Occupier thereof for the time being The tenure of which said five last mentioned Allotments Closes or parcels of Land allotted is free and Common Socage. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 149) containing two acres one rood and thirty five perches The tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor and bounded on or towards the North by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East by other Lands hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the West by other Lands hereby awarded to the Trustees of Elizabeth Sardison. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road being now made shall hereafter be repaired by the said Vicar or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. All which seven parcels of open and Inclosed Land containing together Thirty one acres two roods and thirty seven perches (and after deducting so much Land as in the Judgment of the said Commissioners is equal in Value to his the said Vicars proportion of the expense of the outside mounding or fencing such Allotments respectively and of the Charges and expenses incident to the obtaining passing and executing the said Act of Parliament) are hereby awarded to the said parish Vicar of Southwell and his successors in full satisfaction of all his and their Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act to be inclosed and also in full compensation of the following Closes or parcels of Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of the said parish Vicar of Southwell and by him given up in Exchange for other Lands of equal Value (that is to say) All that Close called Dead Man Head Close. Also all that Close called Mill Close. Also one Ley of Ground in the Mill Leys Close. All hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. Also all those two Closes called North Dale Closes hereby awarded to Eleanor Smith. Also all that Close called Hunner Butts Close hereby awarded to John Taylor. And also all that Close called the Marshall Close hereby awarded to Gervas Thorpe. And we do award and allot unto and for Samuel Thorpe One piece or parcel of Land in the Grimesmoor Common (numbered in the said Map 1) containing three acres two roods and Twenty nine perches (the tenure of which is free and Common Socage) bounded on or towards the West by the parish of Calverton on or towards the North by the parish of Epperstone and on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Calverton to Epperstone. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Thorpe or the owner or Occupier thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in Southwood Bank Common (numbered in the said Map 263) containing One acre two roods and Page 33 Thirty nine perches the tenure of which Is free and Common Socage and bounded on or towards the North East and North West by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the South East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold and on or towards the South West by Lands hereby awarded to Joseph Hucknall. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Samuel Thorpe or the owner or occupier thereof for the time being which two Allotments of Land containing together five acres one rood and twenty eight perches are hereby awarded to the said Samuel Thorpe his Heirs and Assigns (in free and Common Socage) for and in lieu of Lands in Woodborough aforesaid deducted from the Estate of the parish Vicar of Southwell In consideration of the said Samuel Thorpe advancing the sum of One hundred and seventy seven pounds for defraying the necessary Expenses of making the said Vicars proportion of the outside Mounds and Fences of the Lands hereby awarded to him and his successors Vicars as aforesaid and of his the said Vicars proportion of the charges and expenses incident to the obtaining passing and executing the said Act of Parliament. And we do Award and Allot unto and for the said John Taylor as a proprietor of Lands One piece or parcel of Land in Southwood Bank Common and Southwood Coppice thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 260) containing two acres and thirteen perches the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor and bounded on or towards the North West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold on or towards part of the South West by the parish of Lambley and on all other sides and parts thereof by other Lands hereby Awarded to the said John Taylor. And that the fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the owners or occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land on Southwood Bank Common and Southwood Coppice thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 258) containing Seventy Acres one rood and eight perches bounded on or towards the North and part of the North East by old Inclosures belonging to the said John Taylor on or towards the remainder of the North East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lambley on or towards the South part of the South West and test by the parish of Lambley on or towards the remainder of the South West and part of the North West by other Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor and on or towards the remainder of the North West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Arnold. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Roads shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land on Hunner Nook Common (numbered in the said Map 249) containing one rood and thirty six perches bounded on or towards the East by old Inclosure belonging to the said John Taylor on or towards the South by the parish of Lambley and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lambley. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotments against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land Page 34 being part of a Land called the Back Lane (numbered in the said Map 214) containing two roods and sixteen perches bounded on or towards the North and South by ancient Homesteads and old Inclosures on or towards the East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lambley and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to Joseph Hucknall. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the West Field and Southwood Bank Common thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 308) containing Ten acres three roods and eight perches bounded on or towards the North West by Lands hereby Awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the North East by old Inclosures called Crew Closes hereby Awarded to the said John Taylor and by Lands hereby awarded to Joseph Hucknall on or towards part of the South by the parish of Lambley and on all other sides and parts thereof by old Inclosures. And that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Hucknall in the West Field shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land being a Lane called Water Lane (numbered in the said Map 309) containing one acre two roods and twenty four perches bounded on or towards the North by old Inclosures belonging to the said John Taylor called Water Closes on or towards the East by other Lands hereby awarded to the said John Taylor on or towards the South by the parish of Lambley and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton first part. Also one other piece or parcel of Land In the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 45) containing Twenty six acres two roods and twenty six perches bounded on or towards part of the North by an old Inclosure called Potter Hole Close on or towards the remainder of the North and part of the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Hopkinson and to the Curate of Woodborough aforesaid respectively on or towards the remainder of the East by a private Carriage Road and on or towards the South and West by ancient Homesteads and old Inclosures and lands hereby awarded to John Harvey. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Hopkinson against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Curate of Woodborough and against the said private Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 32) containing Thirteen Acres and Twenty eight perches bounded on or towards the North by a private Carriage Road and by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell on or towards the East by a Close called North Dale Close belonging to the said John Taylor and by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Vicar of Southwell on or towards the South by ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough and by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck and on or towards the West by a Homestead belonging to the said John Taylor by Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck and by a private Carriage Road respectively and that the Fences for Inclosing such Allotment against the said private Carriage Road and from an ancient Homestead belonging to the said John Taylor against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Page 35 parish Vicar of Southwell in the Second Angle or turn in that Division shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the Owner or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field and Grimesmoor Common thereto adjoining (numbered in the said Map 3) containing Twenty eight Acres and eighteen perches bounded on or towards the North and part of the North West by a Public Carriage Road leading from Calverton to Woodborough on or towards other parts of the North West North East and South West by Lands hereby awarded to the Surveyor of the Highways of Woodborough aforesaid on or towards the East and part of the South by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough aforesaid on or towards other parts of the South by a private Carriage Road by Lands hereby awarded to Eleanor Smith and by a Close called Potter Hole Close belonging to the said John Taylor and or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the said Eleanor Smith by old Inclosures called Potter Hole Close and by the parish of Calverton respectively. And that the Fences for inclosing such Allotment against the said Public and private Carriage Roads against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough and against the Lands hereby Awarded to the said Eleanor Smith on the South shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Taylor or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also to the said John Taylor the following Closes or parcels of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge that is to say all that small Close called Button Park (numbered in the said Map 209) containing one rood and eighteen perches. Also all that other Close called Andrews Jackson Close (numbered in the said Map 231) containing two Acres and Twenty seven perches. Also all that Close called Hunner Wood Close (numbered in the said Map 241) containing two acres one rood and Twenty one perches. Also all that Close called Hunner Butts Close (numbered in the said Map 242) containing three roods and eighteen perches Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore belonging to the parish Vicar of Southwell and called also Hunner Butts Close (numbered in the said Map 243) containing one acre and one perch. Also the following Closes or parcels of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore belonging to the Trustees of Elizabeth Sardison that is to say all that Close called Hunner Butts Close (numbered in the said Map 244) containing one acre one rood and thirty two perches. Also all those two Closes in the West Field called the Crew Closes (numbered in the said Map 307) containing one acre one rood and thirty three perches. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Water Close heretofore belonging to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 316) containing Seven acres two roods and fourteen perches. And also all that small piece of inclosed Land lying within the parish of Lambley adjoining to the said parish of Woodborough called the Pink Ridding heretofore the property of William Denman (numbered in the said Map 248) containing Sixteen perches the tenure of all which said Seventeen last described Allotments or Closes or parcels of Land allotted to the said John Taylor is free and Common Socage. All which several Allotments of open Land and parcels or old Inclosure containing together One hundred and seventy one acres and thirty seven perches are hereby awarded to the said John Taylor in full satisfaction Page 36 of all his Lands and Common right in and across the Lands and Grounds Intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and inclosed. And also in full Compensation for the following Closes or parcels of old Inclosed Land in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of the said John Taylor and by him given in Exchange for other Lands of equal value and are hereby awarded to the several persons following (that is to say) to Elizabeth Bainbrigge. All that Close called Lomas Close (numbered in the said Map 72). Also all that Close called the Nether Fishpond Close (numbered in the said Map 278). Also all that other Close called the Upper Fishpond Close (numbered In the said Map 283). And to the parish Vicar of Southwell all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Hick Close (numbered in the said Map 196). And to William Raynor All that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Southerns Old Yard (numbered in the said Map 203). And to Henry Hollins One Ley of Ground in Woodborough aforesaid lying in Noah Woods Garden (numbered in the said Map 98). And to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough Two Leys of Ground in Woodborough aforesaid lying in a Close called the Hop Yard (numbered in the said Map 167). And to John Hopkinson One Land End in Woodborough aforesaid lying in Worthington’s Garden (numbered in the said Map 280). And we do award and Allot unto and for Gervas Thorp One piece of Ground in Woodborough aforesaid lying within the Homestead of the said Gervas Thorp and heretofore belonging to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered in the said Map 193) containing two roods and eighteen perches Also one other piece of Ground in Woodborough aforesaid lying within the Homestead of the said Gervas Thorp and heretofore the property of Samuel Thorp (numbered in the said Map 194) containing two roods and twenty one perches the Tenure of which said two last Allotments to the said Gervas Thorp is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Marshall Close heretofore belonging to the parish Vicar of Southwell (numbered in the said Map 191) containing one Acre one rood and one perch. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Bennet Close heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered in the said Map 190) containing one acre two roods and sixteen perches. And also one piece or parcel of Land in the Nether Field (numbered in the said Map 146) containing Seven acres three roods and twenty eight perches bounded on or towards the North West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Lowdham on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to Mordecai Glover on or towards the South by the parish of Lowdham and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Oxton Second part. And that the Fences for Inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Mordecai Glover shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Gervas Thorp or the owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being the Tenure of which said three last Allotments or Closes or Lands allotted to the said Gervas Thorp is free and Common Socage. All which parcels of old Inclosure and the Allotment of open Land containing together Twelve Acres and four perches are hereby awarded to the said Gervas Thorp in full satisfaction of and for all his Lands and Common right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and Inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for John Thorp One piece or parcel of Land In the Moor Field Page 37 (numbered in the said Map 43) containing Eleven perches bounded on or towards the North by a Close called New Row Close hereby awarded to the said John Thorp on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck on or towards the South by ancient Homesteads within the Town of Woodborough on or towards the West by lands hereby awarded to Joseph Wyld. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Thorp or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 34) containing two roods and sixteen perches bounded on or towards the North and East by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck on or towards the South by a Close called the New Row Close hereby awarded to the said John Thorp and on or towards the West by Lands hereby awarded to Joseph Wyld. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck on the North and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Joseph Wyld shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Thorp or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the New Row Close heretofore the property of the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered in the said Map 37) containing one acre and Seventeen perches. All which three parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together One acre three roods and four perches the tenure of which are Copyhold held wholly of both the said Manors of Oxton Over Hall and Nether Hall are hereby awarded to the said John Thorp in full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the Lands and Grounds Intended by the said Act of Parliament to be Inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for James Wheeler One piece or parcel of Land in the West Field (numbered in the said Map 272) containing Eleven perches the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to Ann Southern on or towards the East by an ancient Homestead belonging to the said James Wheeler on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the West by a Garden belonging to Robert Osborne. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Ann Southern shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said James Wheeler or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being which Allotment of Land is hereby awarded to the said James Wheeler in full satisfaction of and for all his Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for the parish Officers of Woodborough aforesaid for the time being (in Trust and for certain Lands commonly called the Town Lands) one small piece of inclosed Land lying in sundry Gardens in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore belonging to Eleanor Smith (numbered in the said Map 38) containing fourteen perches. Also one other small piece of inclosed Land lying in the said Gardens in Woodborough aforesaid heretofore the property of Elizabeth Bainbrigge (numbered in the said Map 39) containing fourteen perches. Also one piece or parcel of Land lying in a place called Fox Wood (numbered in the said Map 57) containing Two acres one rood and twenty perches Page 38 bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to William Denman on or towards the East by a Close called Bonor Close belonging to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to John Worton and on or towards the West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Worton shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said parish Officers or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being all which three parcels of Land containing together two acres two roods and eight perches the tenure of which is free and Common Socage are hereby awarded to the said parish Officers of Woodborough in Trust as aforesaid for the time being in full satisfaction of all their Lands (called the Town Lands) and right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and Inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for John Worton One piece or parcel of Land in a place called Foxwood (numbered in the said Map 58) containing One acre two roods and twenty nine perches bounded on or towards the North West by Lands hereby awarded to the parish Officers of Woodborough for the time being on or towards the South West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton and on all other sides thereof by old Inclosures. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said Public Carriage Road shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Worton or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land In the Shute Field (numbered in the said Map 61) containing one rood and six perches bounded on or towards the North West and North East by old Inclosures on or towards the South East by Lands hereby allotted to Elizabeth Bainbrigge and on or towards the South West by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Calverton. And that the Fences for Inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby allotted to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Worton or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. And also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called Little Foxwood Close heretofore the property of John Lee (numbered in the said Map 59) containing two roods and nine perches All which three parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together Two acres two roods and four perches the tenure of which is Copyhold held of the said Manor called Woodborough Copyhold Manor and hereby awarded to the said John Worton in full satisfaction of and for all his Right of Common in and upon the Lands and Grounds Intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and inclosed. And we do award and allot unto and for John Wyld One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 16) containing two acres and eighteen perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough on or towards the East by the Public Carriage Road leading from Woodborough to Epperstone on or towards part of the South by a House and Garden belonging to Samuel Clay and on other parts of the South and West by Lands hereby awarded to Samuel Thorp. And that the Fences for Inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said Public Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough Page 39 shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Wyld or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. Also one other piece or parcel of Land In the Meadow (numbered in the said Map 128) containing three acres and twenty eight perches bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby awarded to Elizabeth Bainbrigge on or towards the East by a Close called Willow Stile Close belonging to the said John Wyld on or towards the South by Lands hereby awarded to Edward Buck and on or towards the West by a Close called Moor Lane Close hereby awarded to the said John Wyld. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said John Wyld or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. And also all that Close in Woodborough aforesaid called the Moor Lane Close heretofore belonging to the Prebendary of the Prebend of Woodborough (numbered in the said Map 129) containing one acre two roods and eighteen perches. All which three parcels of open and inclosed Land containing together Six acres three roods and twenty four perches the tenures of which are Copyhold and held wholly of both the said Manors of Oxton Over Hall and Nether Hall are hereby awarded to the said John Wyld in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and inclosed. And we do award and Allot unto and for Joseph Wyld One piece or parcel of Land in the Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 44) containing Nineteen perches bounded on or towards the North and South by ancient Homesteads and old Inclosure on or towards the East by Lands hereby awarded to John Thorp and on or towards the West by a private Carriage Road. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said private Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said John Thorp on the East shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Joseph Wyld or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being. And also one other piece or parcel of Land in the said Moor Field (numbered in the said Map 25) containing three roods bounded on or towards the North by Lands hereby allotted to Edward Buck on or towards the East by Lands hereby allotted to John Thorp on or towards the South by a Garden belonging to the said Joseph Wyld and on or towards the West by a private Carriage Road. And that the Fences for inclosing such piece or parcel of Land against the said private Carriage Road and against the Lands hereby awarded to the said Edward Buck shall be made and thereafter repaired by the said Joseph Wyld or the Owners or Occupiers thereof for the time being which two pieces or parcels of Land containing together three roods and Nineteen perches the tenures of both which are Copyhold and held wholly of both of the said Manors of Oxton Over Hall and Nether Hall are hereby awarded to the said Joseph Wyld in full satisfaction of all his Lands and Common Right in and upon the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act of Parliament to be divided and inclosed. And we do hereby Award set out and distinguish that the tenures by which the several old Inclosures within the said parish of Woodborough marked in the said Map with the following Numbers and belonging to the several proprietors as hereinafter named shall be held and enjoyed as free and Common Socage (that is to say) numbers 186, 185, 107, 168, 155, 238, 240, Page 40 239, 51, 50, belonging to the Prebendary of the said Prebend of Woodborough 52, 53, 54, 55, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 83, 84, 89, 94, 108, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 163, 195, 200, 217, 218, 223, 224, 226, 228, 271, 282, 285, 286, 289, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 304, 313, 314 and 315 the property of the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge 268 the property of John Clark 255 the property of the said William Denman 78 the property of the said Thomas Donnally 82 the property of the said John Harvey 277 the property of James Hind 202, 97 the property of the said Henry Hollins 99, 198 the property of the said John Hopkinson 215, 229 the property of the said Joseph Hucknall 279, the property of Samuel Mitchell 275, the property of Robert Osborne 274 the property or Bryan Osborne 266 the property of the said Thomas Rose 205 the property of the said William Raynor 276 the property of the said Ann Southern 87, 101, 197 the property of the parish Vicar of Southwell 208 the property of the Trustees for Woodborough School 76, 85, 86, 88, 95, 100, 103, 111, 201, 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 310, 311, 312, 4, 31, 70, 41, 235, 230, 232, 256, 257, 254, 253, 252, 250, 251, 247, 246, 245, 237 the property of the said John Taylor 40 the property of the parish Officers of Woodborough and 36 the property of Joseph Wyld. And we do hereby further Award set forth and Distinguish that the tenure by which the several old Inclosures within the said parish of Woodborough marked in the said Map with the following Numbers and belonging to the several Proprietors hereinafter named is to be held and enjoyed as Copyhold by Copy of Court Roll of the said Manor called the Woodborough Copyhold Manor (that is to say) 113 the property of the said Samuel Alvey 66, 80, 81 the property of the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge 93, 189, 157, 125 the property of the said Edward Buck 17 the property of Samuel Clay 188, 177 the property of the said William Cliff 112 the property of the said Samuel Thorpe 114 the property of Robert Glover 115 the property of Thomas Donnally 60 the property of Sarah Gadsby 107 the property of the said Mordecai Glover 221, 227 the property of the said John Harvey 201 the property of Sarah Hickling 109, 165 the property of the said John Lee 105 the property of the said Samuel Southern 102, 5, 26 the property of the said Eleanor Smith 104, 106, 24 the property of the said Elizabeth Sardison’s Trustees 14 the property of the parish Vicar of Southwell 192 the property of the said Gervas Thorp 270 the property of the said James Wheeler 199 the property of Noah Wood and 220 the property of the said John Walton. And we do hereby further Award Distinguish and set forth that the tenures by which the several old Enclosures within the said parish of Woodborough marked in the said Map with the following Numbers and belonging to the several proprietors hereinafter named is to be held and enjoyed as Copyhold by Copy of Court Roll both of the said Manor of Oxton Nether Hall or first part and also of Court Roll of the said Manor of Oxton Over Hall or second part (that is to say) 184 the property of William Pendleton 92 the property of the said John Thorpe 91, 127 the property of the said John Wyld and 90 the property of the said Joseph Wyld. And for the further better and with greater certainty setting forth and distinguishing the several Tenures by which all the several Estates within the said parish of Woodborough both old Inclosed and hereby allotted and awarded shall be held and enjoyed we have stated the particulars thereof at one View in a Schedule hereunder Page 41 written which is to be taken as part of this our Award IN WITNESS whereof we the said Jonas Bettison and John Bailey (the said surviving Commissioners appointed by the said Act of Parliament) have hereunto set our Hands and Seals. And to testify our respective Consents (in pursuance of the said Act) to the several Exchanges of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in these presents mentioned and set forth. We the Chapter of the said Collegiate Church of Southwell have hereunto caused our Common Seal to be affixed. And we the said Henry Howson, William Becher, Philip Story (to whom the said Estates and premises of the said Elizabeth Bainbrigge deceased have lately descended and come), John Taylor, Samuel Thorpe, William Cliff, William Denman, Thomas Donnally, John Harvey, Henry Hollins, Samuel Mitchell, John Lees, William Raynor, Charles Twells, William Thompson, Gervas Thorp, John Thorpe, Joseph Wylde and John Glover have hereunto set our respective Hands the Twenty fourth day of February in the Thirty eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety eight.
THE SCHEDULE mentioned and referred to in and by the foregoing award.
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001 Timeline |
100 - 114 St Swithuns Church - Index |
115 - 121 Churchyard & Cemetery - Index |
122 - 128 Methodist Church - Index |
129 - 131 Baptist Chapel - Index |
132 - 132.4 Institute - Index |
129 - A History of the Chapel |
130 - Baptist Chapel School (Lilly's School) |
131 - Baptist Chapel internment |
132 - The Institute from 1826 |
132.1 Institute Minutes |
132.2 Iinstitute Deeds 1895 |
132.3 Institute Deeds 1950 |
132.4 Institute letters and bills |
134 - 138 Woodborough Hall - Index |
139 - 142 The Manor House Index |
143 - Nether Hall |
139 - Middle Manor from 1066 |
140 - The Wood Family |
141 - Manor Farm & Stables |
142 - Robert Howett & Mundens Hall |
200 - Buckland by Peter Saunders |
201 - Buckland - Introduction & Obituary |
202 - Buckland Title & Preface |
203 - Buckland Chapter List & Summaries of Content |
224 - 19th Century Woodborough |
225 - Community Study 1967 |
226 - Community Study 1974 |
227 - Community Study 1990 |
400 - 402 Drains & Dykes - Index |
403 - 412 Flooding - Index |
413 - 420 Woodlands - Index |
421 - 437 Enclosure 1795 - Index |
440 - 451 Land Misc - Index |
400 - Introduction |
401 - Woodborough Dykes at Enclosure 1795 |
402 - A Study of Land Drainage & Farming Practices |
People A to H 600+ |
People L to W 629 |
640 - Sundry deaths |
650 - Bish Family |
651 - Ward Family |
652 - Alveys of Woodborough |
653 - Alvey marriages |
654 - Alvey Burials |
800 - Footpaths Introduction |
801 - Lapwing Trail |
802 - WI Trail |